Saturday, October 28, 2006

Paperbag princess

I just came back from a halloween kegger, and i noticed something, well, actually Chris, my boyfriend, pointed it out to me. I was dressed as the "Paperbag Princess" and every girl there knew who i was and complimented me on my costume, but only 2 guys (not counting chris since he suggested it) seemed to know who i was. most guys said, "what's with the paperbag?" now i thought this was one of those stories that everyone knew as a child. robert munsch was an awesome children story writer, but it seems that the "paperbag princess" stood out mainly in girls' minds and not guys'. could it be because the protagonist is a strong female character, and the prince she goes to save is a stuck up jerk? hmmm, something to think about.


Anonymous said...

I love the paperbag princess. It was one of my favorite stories growing up. I still have the picture of the prince with the tennis racket stuck in my head! What a fantastic outfit B-Dog! Cudos to Chris for suggesting it too.

Unknown said...

I was the paperbag princess last year too! Though, to make it interactive I brought markers so random people could write on me. I came across the same thing though...only girls seemed to know who I was. I thought EVERYONE read that story but I guess not everyone remembers it.