Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wii, why have you forsaken me?

I'm too upset and drunk to be poetic.
Which is strange, because lately, most of my posts
have been written while i was pretty drunk.
I thought i would have a nintendo wii three days ago,
but alas, i still am without one.
sold out within two hours, and i was in montreal at the time.
So now, I am Wii-less.
Nintendo! you promised me a wii on the 19th day and
you have broken the promise!
Lies; lies.
Why did you restrict your units?
Where is my fucking Wii?!!

Nintendo, I have stuck by you all these years -
forever faithful. The only gaming consoles i have ever
owned are yours. the only games i play are nintendo brand
and yet, you leave me, a devoted fan with nothing.
Why did you not manufacture more?
Why did you barely send any to Canada. We love nintendo.
we crave nintendo.
Where are our Wiis?!!


Anonymous said...

Dude come play mine anytime ;)

Cheshire Cat said...

I hate you! Not fair. I should be the one with a Wii, not you!

Unknown said...

Atari forever!!!!!