Friday, November 10, 2006

Red Irritations

Glass shatters across the wooden floor.
Tip-toe between the shards.
One less wine glass. . . . Soon we'll have none.
Red liquid seeping amongst the cracks - the wood bleeds.
One uncertain step. Red flows from my foot. Another scar to remember.

Discarded wax sheets strewn on the ground.
Tip-toe between the strips.
Black, brown, blond - all ripped from the source.
Some refuse to move; Grasping to the skin.
Bruises appear on the surface and Itchy red splotches begin to show.
One quick pull. Red stems up my leg. Another rash to scratch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you were waxing your legs brenda! Ouch! I've had a brazilian, I can sympathize. For real. One more wine glass bites the dust, eh? Ikea has cheap ones.
I like the use of colours in your text. Its effective.
Ciao for now bdog!