Thursday, November 30, 2006


This is my eighth post in november and this now beats my previous posts per month record - set back in february when i first started this blog. Being 8, i decided to check wikapedia for any interesting information regarding said number. The most interesting bit, to me anyway, was the part about the tarot card. I don't know much about tarot cards, but according to wikapedia the 8th card is the Strength card (in some decks it's 11, but we're focussing on 8). Other key words related to this card are:
  • Self control ----- Being solid ----- Patience ----- Compassion
  • Composure ----- Stability ----- Perseverance ----- Moderation
  • Kindness ----- Gentleness ----- Slowness ----- Softness
  • Serenity ----- Comprehension ----- Discipline ----- Inner strength
If you're interested in reading more about this, just click here.

So, i decided, being my 8th post this month, and the first time i've made it to eight posts, i should keep these things in mind. So here is my "Strength" post . . .
dum da dum! and my mind goes blank. apparently i can't take the pressure.

Listen - jazzy mario music in the background. rustling papers. my computer hums. mouse bottons clicking. Chair rocking. Footsteps on the wooden floor. keyboard keys clacking. fingernails scratching scalps.

She stands at the top of the stairs. Hers is the power to hold all eyes in the room.
But all she wants is to cry alone.
Now is not the time.
She has an audience to address. A crowd to entertain.
She must persevere with a fixed, painted smile. She slowly descends - carefully, quietly placing each foot on the lower step.
She jumps. She spins. She smiles.
And the crowd is entertained.
They clap. They cheer. They laugh.
She reaches her hands to the lights overhead
and twirls on pointed toes.
Her long flowing black hair spinning 'round her as she does.
Creating a circular boundary - protecting her from the crowds gazing eyes.
She imagines she is dancing across the clouds.
Whirling high above the earth.
and she is FREE.
Free at last.
free for now.

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