Wednesday, February 15, 2006

To my love . . .

Wind blows through my hair, whispers soft words to me.
Trying to think of a new way to say something I've said
a thousand times before.

Each minute, our love grows stronger
each second, I want to hold you longer.
With this last kiss I send you off to bed
and wish sweet dreams to follow in your head.
If my words could meet you in your sleep,
I'd whisper of our love that soaks so deep.

The same beat - the same words run through my head.
How do I express my feelings in a different way after so long,
after so many times?
I don't know who I am without you.
I don't know where I end and you begin.
How can I ever be good enough for you?

I corrupted your innocence with my evil thoughts.
Reaching to the heavens, I pulled you down into my hell.
I can't let you leave. I won't let you leave.
If you'll be my Ham, I'll be your Lucy.

All the pain I've caused you, I wash away with my tears.
All your tears shed, I blow away with my smile.
If I die tomorrow, what will you remember of me?
The joy, the pain, the laughter, the tears?
After all these years. . . .

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