Wednesday, January 06, 2010

all da way down

Drowning in the darkness of my doubt.
The depth of this dreariness dissolves my dearest dreams and divorces me from my desperations. The devastating, dirty demon death denounces my disposition and delivers me down to the desolating, devouring dampness.

Scene through my eyes:

A mirror reflecting everything before it
and here I stand
waiting to be reflected outwards.
A slight shiver ripples across the otherwise smooth glass surface:
a ripple in time; a glance
into another world.
I reach out to tough it, but it slips
from beneath my fingers and dissolves
back into the unblemished glass
leaving no trace.
Did I really see it? Or did I imagine it?
Was it ever actually there?
A ripple of space on my mirror
another universe perhaps.
But now vanished.
I start to walk away, but sneak one last glance
over my shoulder. Perhaps it is shy and has returned now
with my back turned.
But no.
No evidence of that world shows.
Just a plain glass mirror and me.

The Protector (incomplete)

With his night light shining down upon the bed, he dives beneath the warm flannel blankets, wrapping them tightly around himself. He reaches out for a sign of security and his small frightened hand claps around a warm fuzzy paw. He yanks his tiger underneath the bedsheets with him, eternally grateful for the watchful eyes of his fearless pal. Liam knows that the monsters beneath his bed are no match for Tyler the Terrifying. Even now, he could hear them whimpering and shivering out of fear.
"Hah!" Liam shouts, "Not so tough against a ferocious tiger!" Tyler gnashes his teeth to scare them further and make sure they wouldn't dare even to peak out from under the bed, at least not while he's at Liam's side.