After all these years.
Our eyes stare at the stage in anticipation as the lights dim and the music stops. Distorted heartbeats gradually overcome the murmurs of the crowd and a hush spreads throughout so that the steadily increasing beat is all that can be heard. Then the three main players step out from behind the curtains and onto the stage:
One dressed to make us laugh with a pink wig upon his head, one dressed to make us sweat - shirtless with a long red headband/sash wrapped around his waist, and one dressed to impress wearing a black golf shirt with collar flipped up.
As they take their respective places, we know they are ready to put on a great show.
One amazing song performance after another - with brief pauses for laughter and witty banter back and forth between us and them.
Jumping and clapping; singing and dancing; pushing and stomping; laughing and yelling. And just when we're about to collapse from exhaustion and feel like we can't possibly stand for another song, they play their last song with such enthusiasm and energy that we are rejuvenated and find ourselves once again jumping and shouting even wilder than before.
The last song ends and the three main players depart with their two sidekicks; leaving us mesmerized and breathless, with sweat pouring from our every pore.